Friday 20 March 2015

Finding HAPPY.

I've spent a lot of my life, well the 21 years I have had searching for my happy. Many boys, tattoo's, piercing's and career changes later I made the concious decision to stop.
That my happy wasn't spending my time searching for it, but rather appreciating what I already had and well being happy with it.

I have a lot to be thankful for, and this year seems to be setting me up for a lot more to come!
I have the greatest friends, who this year are going to celebrate finishing our first year at uni and moving in with a great human.
My family, who any time now will be welcoming another member, who i hope to be the greatest big sister too even though I am already a great big sister! Then to top it all off gaining yet more family with a beautiful wedding which I could not be more proud of. I could not be happier or more lucky to have a wonderful step father.
Then finally when I decide to stop looking for someone, fate threw him at me and well I welcomed it with open arms.

I guess the lesson I have learnt is that once you stop looking for happy, happy seems to find you!