Tuesday, 22 April 2014

I am feeling super thankful today

I looked around and realised how frequently I don't thank those around me, well for staying with me.
Though sometimes I do or say stupid things, the people that are still here seem to take me and my lack of brain-mouth connection in their stride.

I am thankful for my mother, who without fail will tell me a boy isn't good enough to waste my tears on. She will put up with my constant singing (most of the time), she goes along with my ideas without questioning even if they are stupid.

I am thankful for my father who is the most kind hearted, gentle man I know and his support of my endeavors even if he knows that they are likely to fail. I am thankful for our shared TV taste and his patience when I want to watch trashy 'reality' shows.

I am grateful to my brother who taught me how to be a stronger person, he also taught me its okay to be a nerd and that life is so much more than what it seems to be. He is the person I look to when im trying to figure things out.

And finally my sister, I am thankful for every single part of her, I am grateful for her shoulder to cry on, even her horrible seal laugh because these moments when we burst out laughing randomly because nobody else is in on the joke are what life is about. I am thankful because even though I am older she teaches me so much about myself every single day and even when we are screaming at each other I am thankful that she loves me enough to even bother getting mad.

And I am thankful for my friends because without them I wouldn't have anyone to complain about my family to. They force me out of my bedroom and into social situations which better me as a person.

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